Tuesday, 27 July 2021


 An angle appeared before a man and asked what he wanted? The man said that he wanted a bag full of

 money ,a big vehicle and many women.The angle made him a conductor!

You should know what  exactly you want.Don't  say I want a lot of money .What do you mean by  saying 'a lot of money'?Is ten thousand rupees a month?Is it fifty thousand  rupees a month? Is it one lakh rupees a month?Be specific, because, WHATEVER YOU DESIRE,YOU  WILL GET IT.

Indra Nooyi  ,  chennai - born girl is the chief executive officer of Pepsi company.she is drawing a 

 salary  of 55 crores of Indian  rupees a year. she wanted to draw such a huge salary , and  hence she is 

receiving it. If she desired just five lakh rupees a year ,she would have got  just that.Therefore  be  clear

clear about what you want .

 *    Two brothers were working in a cycle workshop.  

*  They wanted to fly on a machine .

* people ridiculed them, many thought that it was not impossible .


*But the brothers succeeded ultimately  and announced a public demonstration of flying  machine in 

 kitty hock on 17 th december 1903. 

* A local newspaper carried the comment " They are not flying brothers, they are lying brothers".

* But  The brothers  wilbur wright and oliver wright flew a machine for 120 feet at a height of 6 feet 

 for 12 seconds in full view of the public. 

* They invented the aeroplane.



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