Sunday, 5 September 2021


 Some people are always busy.obviously some others are always lazy.laziness is nothing more than the habit of  resting before you get tired.

The first enemy is laziness 😑

Here are some tips to help you get rid of laziness;


Make Realistic goal 

                             General goal would be lose weight and get in shape. But a specific goal would be sign up for an aerobics class at the local gym and participate at least three times a  week for one month.

Avoid distraction 

                      One of the biggest hurdles to motivation is the environment you are in.this means that you surrounding must be free of diversions,noise, clutter.

You can make your work space friendly

Use headphones; if you are working in noisy environment,use noise cancelling headphones.listening to music through ear bunds can also tune out distracting noise. Live people talking   too   loudly   or construction work.often through music with lyrics can be too distracting . Research suggests to classical or instrumental music to improve concentration.

Use positive self-talk

                                 Negative self-talk is one of the things that derail people from getting things done in different aspects of life. Telling other people that you are lazy is negative self-talk. instead or talking yourself negatively,why not practice positive self-talk? always do your best one.


Know your strength

                                Do you know your strength?if the answer is no,take a couple of minutes of think of your strengths when preparing to work on a task or goal. Apply them to your  task to get thus done quickly research studies have shown that focusing on your strengths boots productivity cultivate positive feelings and increase engagement in the work place.

Use two-minute rule 

                               If your are tackle anything under two-minute from the habit of doing at immediately. Thus applies to making your bed doing the dishes, replying to emails or writting a to-do-list.


" I will choose a always a lazy person to do a difficult job Because he will find an easy way to do It "

                     -Bill gates

     It’s completely reasonable to feel lazy some or even most of the time. And even the most productive among us are challenged by our inner laziness.

   However, your laziness and lack of motivation do not have to hold you back from getting the results or achieving the goals you want. Find a strategy or combination of strategies that work for you, and stick to them.


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